Overall, UC is a nice, simple residence building. There's a lot of diversity with students from multiple colleges. It's mostly quiet, but the walls are thin, so you could hear people if they're being even a little loud. All the common areas were closed due to COVID, but UC is in a great spot in Chicago. That's by far the best part about it. Our bathroom wasn't great though. The showers are very small and I kept banging my elbows on the walls. Water pressure and temperature were constantly changing. Most of the time you had to choose between freezing cold or boiling hot. Also, we always seemed to have an issue with either our shower or toilet. Luckily the maintenance was easy to schedule and fast. It's a safe building. You need a key card to get in and there are two security guards in the lobby 24/7. It's a very clean place. The staff was constantly cleaning. The staff was awesome too. Very friendly and funny. I would talk to a few of them regularly.