UNTHSC Roommate Finder

Search for Roommates at University of North Texas Health Science Center

Displaying results 21 - 24 of 24 users

Female ยท 2023
Living Off-campus
Prefers to live at Richmond, TX
Majoring in Health Professions
Living Off-campus
Prefers to live at Richmond, TX
Majoring in Health Professions
Female ยท 2021
Living Off-campus
Majoring in Health Professions
Living Off-campus
Majoring in Health Professions
Female ยท 2023
Living On-campus
Majoring in Liberal Arts & Sciences
Living On-campus
Majoring in Liberal Arts & Sciences
Male ยท 2022
Living Off-campus
Majoring in History
Living Off-campus
Majoring in History

UNTHSC Roommate FAQs

What qualities should I look for in a roommate at University of North Texas Health Science Center? When looking for a roommate at University of North Texas Health Science Center, it is important to consider compatibility in terms of cleanliness, study habits, and lifestyle. Additionally, it may be helpful to seek out someone who shares similar interests or academic goals, as this can foster a positive living environment. How can I find a roommate at University of North Texas Health Science Center who is reliable and communicative? To find a roommate at University of North Texas Health Science Center who is reliable and communicative, consider using the school's official housing forums or messaging boards to connect with others who are also looking for a roommate. Additionally, it may be helpful to meet potential roommates in person to get a sense of their communication style and level of responsibility. Are there any red flags that I should be aware of when searching for a roommate at University of North Texas Health Science Center? When searching for a roommate at University of North Texas Health Science Center, be cautious of anyone who appears to be dishonest or unreliable. It may also be helpful to stay away from individuals who have a pattern of disruptive behavior or who do not share similar values and goals. Additionally, be sure to carefully review the terms of the lease agreement and ask questions about any potential conflicts or issues that may arise.