I moved to Watson halfway through the year after having a bad experience at SP and ever since I have been so much happier. I have come to believe that in college you need to find the right fit for you and what one person recommends and raves about might not work for you and what some people put down might just be perfect. The people here were very accommodating to me and were super understanding and helpful during my move. And unlike what people, who have not lived here, say it is not like a prison the rooms are very spacious and you get lots of natural light (something that I found was really lacking in my old dorm) the people here paired me with a wonderful roommate and overall I just feel safer here. It is right on campus you can easily reach all your classes, the library, and both dining halls. Even with covid the RAs have been really trying to do events so that we don't feel isolated and even though I'm not really close with any of my hallmates or my roommate we all respect each other and our shared spaces, which I appreciated. I would definitely recommend Waston hall to other incoming freshmen.