Hinderlie groups a specific niche of people together. I would not describe it as a catch-all group that you would see in most collegiate dorms. These are band people, orchestra people, theater people, choral people, and those who associate with those groups. If these people were your jam in high school, I highly recommend it. You'll find tons of people like you in this building and on your floor. If you don't identify with this identity, I recommend applying for places like Kreidler and Ordal. Hinderlie contains a musical group and oftentimes they like to show it off. I've heard bassoons and cellos being practiced in the rooms and groups singing 'Fly Me To The Moon' on a slightly-out-of-tune guitar. The culture for the most part is a calm one. People are respectful of others' space and needs and the staffing on the floor is well-chosen to welcome everyone into the hall as well as PLU itself.